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Our methodology starts from the Level Method, a proven system that measures over 20 health markers to provide an accurate fitness diagram and progress tracking.

The model creates a holistic training journey for every member, with a structured approach and personalized programming.


The process begins with assessing where each individual currently stands, addressing their unique needs, and continuously reviewing progress to optimize results.


The Level Method becomes a holistic, cutting-edge training solution designed to maximize motivation and health, long-term.



Vi strävar alla efter att maximerahälsa. Lev ett större liv. Var mer levande.

Level Method är ett system som visar dig exakt var du står i fitness. Det ger dig kunskapen, och vi coachar verktygen, för att hjälpa dig uppnå dina mål snabbare än någonsin tidigare. Det enklaste sättet är att tänka på kampsport -vittillsvart bälte.

MAP ("Method of Athletic Progression") är ett detaljerat men lättförståeligt diagram över atletiska tester:

• 15 kategorier

• 32 nivåer

• Manliga och kvinnliga progressioner

The Core Loop

The core loop of the Level Method—Assess, Address, Progress—is a structured approach to sustainable fitness growth.


It starts with a thorough Assessment of current fitness levels across key movements, setting a clear baseline and highlighting areas for improvement.


Next, we Address specific needs through customized workouts and training plans, ensuring safe and effective progress.


Finally, we focus on Progress, regularly re-assessing to celebrate milestones, refine the plan, and set new goals. This ongoing cycle keeps members motivated and delivers measurable results over time.

Head Coach Miska giving a quick overview of the Level Method

The Level Method covers over 20 Body Systems!

The Level Method evaluates over 20 different bodily systems, offering a complete picture of your fitness. From strength and endurance to mobility and coordination, each level highlights areas of growth and opportunity. This holistic approach ensures balanced progress across all aspects of your fitness, helping you become well-rounded and resilient.


Progress on the Level Method is easily tracked using apps.

You will work with over 20 Physical Systems

Energy Systems

NEUROLOGICAL & STRENGTH Or the Central Nervous System, is about the brain-body connection. Movements that require coordination and balance and strength rely heavily on the brain body connection. Developing new skills happens in the nervous system first.

MUSCLE ENDURANCE Is about blood flow, muscle size, and fuelling the cells. Strength training happens primarily in this area.

AEROBIC is what we use when we do running or swimming or biking. It’s the functioning of the heart and lungs to pump out oxygen everywhere, which is our primary fuel source.


OBJECTIVE STRENGTH This measures an athlete's raw power and lifting capacity without consideration for body weight. It's often assessed through exercises like the deadlift or back squat, focusing on the maximum load an individual can lift.

RELATIVE STRENGTH This category assesses strength in relation to the athlete's body weight, emphasising the ability to lift or move body weight efficiently. This is gymnastics. Exercises like Pull-ups and Ring Dips can showcase relative strength.

Level Category

The On Ramp gets you grounded into the program!

Our OnRamp Program is six sessions. It's an onboarding experience designed to immerse you in the gym's holistic training methodology.

We'll cover all the Level Method assessments. So you have an exact graph at the end of the course on your strengths, and weaknesses.

When you know your level you can easily go into a class with experience athletes, and feel confident about which level of the workout to go for. The structure and planning is done by us and you get it automatically, so once you come to class you don't have to think about anything expect doing the Workout of the Day, the WOD.

ONRAMP Overview.png

Do you prefer to work individually with a coach?
Or do a group course?

Book a free meeting with a coach to discuss a plan for an Onramp.


Working 1-on-1, we have options for different budgets and goals.

If you know you want a group course, we have the upcoming courses here.

You're still welcome to book a meeting with a coach before starting, so we can get to know each others. We can also help you with special needs, if you have any.

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